What is the PSA?

The PSA is a group of parents who are committed to supporting the school. It is separate from the staff or governing bodies. All parents of children at the school are automatically part of the PSA, just by being a parent!

Who are we?

Mrs Sophie Brady has kindly agreed to chair the PSA for this academic year, assisted by Mrs Dorren and Mrs Meichen. We always need lots of ideas and help to raise money for our school, so if you are interested in being a class PSA rep or would like to help with any of our events throughout the year, please let us know.

Even if you cannot attend an event, help is always needed beforehand to set up or prepare activities.

What do we do?

The PSA is set up to raise funds to support the school for facilities which come outside the normal range of funding. We plan social events and activities for parents and children to enjoy throughout the year, such as quiz nights, fun days, film screenings and fetes.

What do we spend the money on?

All money raised by the PSA is used to directly benefit all the children at the school. In the past the money raised has funded play equipment, built the music suite and purchased IT equipment, books and online resources.

Thank you for your support!