My three children still cherish their time at primary school
David Brunwin
Chair of Governors
David our chair of governors can be reached by email at [email protected]
School governors (the governing body) are a team of people who work closely with the Headteacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. Governors appoint the Headteacher and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children.
School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. No special qualifications are required, but enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are important qualities to bring to a governor's post. It is a serious commitment, but an incredibly rewarding one. The term of office is four years. School governors are responsible and accountable for all major decisions about the school and its future.
The Head is accountable to the governors for the management of the school and regularly gives reports to keep the governors informed of progress. They set strategic direction, objectives, targets and policies for the school; approve the school budget; review progress against budget, plans and targets to ensure accountability; they provide support, challenge and evaluation to the Head Teacher.
At St Thomas More, the governing body is divided into two committees – Resources and Pupils & Standards with subcommittees for Audit and Admissions. Governors also monitor a subject area within the school and visit the school to see the work in progress. A report is written for each of these visits and circulated for the other governors to read.
Committee Membership 2024 - 2025
Chair of Governors
Mr David Brunwin
Vice-Chair of Governors
Luisa Bonomo-Jackson
Head Teacher
Mrs Elaine McNally
Clerk to Governors
Mrs Anna Davies
Resources Committee
Mrs Elaine McNally
Mr David Brunwin
Mr John-Paul Coleman - Chair
Mr Jon Pittock
Mr Charles Anderson
Mrs Sally Anderton
Mrs Ella-Louise Head
Mr Kieran Cornwell
Lt Richard Rees
Audit Sub-Committee
Mrs Elaine McNally
Mr David Brunwin
Mrs Ella-Louise Head – Chair
Mr John-Paul Coleman
Mrs Venetia Phipps
Pupils & Standards Committee
Mrs Elaine McNally
Mr David Brunwin
Mrs Anna Wilkinson - Chair
Fr David Clemens
Mrs Noreen Hall
Mrs Rachel Meichen
Mrs Luisa Bonomo-Jackson
Mrs Venetia Phipps
Mrs Amy Yeung
Mrs Caroline Veitch
Admissions Sub-Committee
Mrs Elaine McNally
Mrs David Brunwin
Mrs Rachel Meichen
Mrs Ella-Louise Head
Mrs Caroline Veitch